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Everyone believes they have a path to follow, but life throws us curve balls. John Paul Derryberry uses his story to show that you can change your life’s path at any point - whether in school, working, or retired. John will help inspire, connect, and provide hope as you navigate life’s journey. His career in helping others has assisted individuals, companies, and communities in overcoming traumatic events and improve their mental and emotional health to become the best version of themselves. When not at his inspi- rational speaking engagements, John is the Executive Director of 43 North Iowa where he helps people with varying levels of abilities.
(Participate in a concentrated study in one of these areas)
All About Earth - Learn about the different systems that make up our earth in this hands-on workshop with Jane Amiotte, 4-H Youth Program Advisor from Rapid City, SD. Fun and educational for both youth and adults, these lessons cover plants and animals, soil, air and water systems and how they are all connected.
Basketry - Join City of Casper, Wyoming Recreation Coordinator
Lori Spearman in creating a variety of beautiful and useful baskets using natural reeds and other materials. Learn techniques in the art of basketry such as plaiting and twining to make market baskets, egg baskets and more.
Family History - From the Past to a Richer Future - Reviewing basic research
and skills needed to do genealogy research of your family, evaluating techniques for organizing and documenting your family history, using DNA tests, and using games and activities to include youth and adult family members are all elements of this highly engaging and informative workshop. Dan Hull, family historian from Salt Lake City, UT has studied genealogy for over 30 years. Dan has attended and presented at multiple
institutes and trainings on family and DNA research.
Low Ropes & Team Challenge - This workshop will include exercises designed to bring teams together, identify goals and roles, and encourage positive connection and interaction. Teambuilders and Outlaw Ranch staff will share simple games, complex puzzles, and low rope elements designed to encourage effective communication and keep participants challenged as a team.
(Choose up to eight of these tentative minor workshops to expand your recreation and leadership skills.)
 Adaptive Games – Autumn Linsley, Orem, UT
 AI/Tech Apps – Josie Slade, SLC, UT
 Beaded Earrings – Megan Jones, Lander, WY
 Conflict Resolution – Mandie Reed, Harlowton, MT
 Games – Autumn Linsley, Orem, UT
 Embroidery – Susan Sacco, Mesquite, NV
 Equine Therapy –Carolyn Marcus, Lander, WY
 Fabulous Fakes - Carol Earl, Hooper, UT
 STEM - Dustin Hammond & Lynnette Vachal, NDSU Extension
 Fly Tying & Fishing – Blake Cark, Paradise, UT
 Rappelling – Vernon Parent, Herriman, UT
 Geocaching – Danielle Dinger, Ellendale, ND
 Language of Nature – Tomas Tomkin, Custer, SD
 Paper Quilling– Angelika Hustedt, Georgetown, IL
 Strategic Doing – Alyse DeVries, Mason City, IA
 Tracking – Tomas Tomkin, Custer, SD
 Scrapbooking – Angelika Hustedt, Georgetown, IL
 Wood Crafts – Dale Pace, Rochester, IN
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